JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the government's efforts to suppress stunting prevalence or tengkes from 37 percent to 14 percent are very ambitious targets to be achieved this year. "The target, we have a very ambitious target from 37 jumps to 14 percent. This is very ambitious. But, indeed we have to work hard to achieve the target," said President Jokowi while reviewing the Integrated Posyandu RW02 Taman Sawo Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, quoted by ANTARA Tuesday, June 11. According to President Jokowi, the prevalence of stunting in the country since 2014 has reached 37 percent and has been successfully suppressed to 21 percent of the total population of toddlers in the last 9 years. Even though in 2023 the decrease in stunting percentage was relatively small at 0.1 percent, President Jokowi still appreciated the contribution of the region through posyandu in responding to the problem. President Jokowi said stunting was not only related to food matters, but additional balanced nutrition to adequate sanitation needs also needed to be considered. "The environment of the village, environment of the RT also has a very important effect on the problem of water that exists, it also greatly affects stunting. So, working together, work together, integrated work, consolidated work, so the results will be seen, so that the results will be seen," he said. Other challenges faced by relevant authorities in realizing stunting targets are also faced with the wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia in 2020-2023.

"Yes, sometimes situations like COVID-19 are careful. Yesterday's COVID-19 2.5 years has affected our concentration on stunting," he said. President Jokowi visited Posyandu Integrated RW02 Taman Sawo Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, and Posyandu Wijaya Kusuma, Bogor, in the context of the Balita Balance Month which was held simultaneously throughout the country at 338 thousand posyandu.

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