JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) received an improvement to the document on the requirements for support for the candidate for governor-deputy governor-vice individual governor, Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana.

As a candidate for the independent route, Dharma and Kun Wardana are required to submit support from residents of at least 618,986 DKI Jakarta voters before registering as candidate pairs.

Dharma-Kun also handed over 840,640 support. However, after being verified, it turned out that the KPU found some of the support did not meet the requirements. They were asked to improve.

"Yesterday at 23.10 WIB, the DKI Jakarta KPU received an improvement in the supporting documents for the candidate pairs, but because there are still documents that have not been uploaded to Silon, the DKI Jakarta KPU provides the opportunity for 1x24 hours for the candidate to upload a lack of support data that has not been uploaded yet," said Head of the DKI KPU Technical Division Doddy Wijaya in his statement, Sunday, June 9.

After improving the first phase of the support requirements document, the KPU stated that Dharma-Kun Wardana met the requirements. Furthermore, the KPU will verify the improvement administration until June 18.

"The administrative verification stage for repairs is carried out by checking the validity and veracity of the supporting requirements documents," said Doddy.

Verified documents include statements of support, e-KTPs, data suitability inputted in Silon, as well as identity statements for supporters who on e-KTPs have occupation status as members of the TNI, Polri, ASN, village officials, or ages not yet 17 years old but already married.

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