PAREPARE - Police are investigating the demolition of 7 COVID-19 body graves in Parepare City, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). This incident caused a commotion in the community.

"We are still investigating which bodies, we are still matching the data, because the data is still confusing," said the Head of the Parepare Police, AKBP Welly Abdillah confirmed by VOI, Friday, March 12.

The demolition of this grave took place at the Bilalangnge Public Cemetery (TPU), Lemoe Village, Bacukiki District, Parepare.

It is not yet known when this tomb was demolished. Police are still investigating this incident.

"We also do not have clear information. We cannot confirm 7 (bodies) because there are 4 positive ones, "said Welly.

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