Tangerang The Tangerang City Metro Police named a suspect in the case of the Household Assistant (ART) with the initials CC (16) who jumped from the roof of a three-story house in Cimone, Tangerang City.

"The suspect with the initials J bin A (26) is suspected of committing a criminal act of exploitation of children by falsifying the identity of the victim so that he can be employed as an ART," said Tangerang City Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Zain Dwi Nugroho in a written statement.

The suspect is known to have made authentic documents in the form of fake ID cards by falsifying the victim's age to 21 years and having his address at Brebes. In fact, according to the Family Card and Junior High School Certificate, the victim, who is from Karawang, West Java, is still 16 years old.

"The determination of this suspect is based on the results of the examination of the victim, witnesses, and evidence, including the fake ID card that has been confiscated. Suspect J has now been detained at the Tangerang City Metro Police Detention Center," said Zain.

The police also continue to pursue other perpetrators involved in making fake ID cards, as well as examining the distributor and employer of the victim named LA. "The results of this examination will determine the legal status of the victim's employer," added Zain.

The suspect is subject to Article 2 of Law No. 21 of 2007 concerning the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO), as well as other articles related to child protection, domestic violence, and employment. "The perpetrator could face 15 years in prison," said Zain.

This case emerged after the victim, CC, was desperate to jump from the roof of a house in Cimone Permai Housing, Karawaci District, Tangerang City. Currently, the Tangerang City Metro Police is focusing on coordinating medical treatment of victims with the Tangerang City Health Office and Social Service.

"The PPA Unit of the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Karawaci Police of the Tangerang City Metro Police are still collecting evidence and clarifying all witnesses related to this incident," Zain concluded.

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