SURABAYA - Surabaya Police has uncovered the alleged case of three police officers who received tribute from drug dealers. The three actors received tribute from a network of drug dealers to several regions in East Java.

"So we coordinate with the police from the Police, East Java Regional Police and Headquarters to arrest these people," said Head of Reskoba Surabaya Police, AKBP Memo Ardian, confirmed on Friday, March 12.

According to Ardian, the tribute received by the three police officers was revealed after the police arrested three drug dealers in Surabaya. The three bookies were named Ahmad Taufik, Ali Usman and Opek.

"The three of them were arrested by the Satresnarkoba Polrestabes Surabaya in a different location," he said.

After the dealer was arrested, the police confiscated evidence, namely 15.64 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 42 ecstasy pills, a Vespa motorbike, a Mitsubishi Outlander, a Honda Brio car, an airsoft gun along with 7 projectiles and Rp198 million in cash.

"Actually, this case is the result of the development of a previous case revealed by Unit I, the cross-island drug network of Jambu with 8 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine as evidence. Well, the current case was revealed by Unit II," he said.

At first, continued Ardian, the case involving three police officers was the result of development when Unit II managed to arrest the suspect Ahmad Taufik in Nganjuk, one of the dealers who supplied crystal methamphetamine to several areas in East Java.

"These suspects are ordering operators who are usually marketed in East Java, such as Surabaya, Malang, Madura and so on," he said.

After it was developed, Ardian continued, the police then succeeded in arresting the suspect, Ali Usman, a drug supplier in the Jalan Kunti area, Surabaya. From the suspect, Ali Usman, several notes were found with the names of the police officers who received the tribute.

"From these suspects it is known that there are some unscrupulous (police)," he said.

Ardian emphasized that he received a strict order from the Head of the Surabaya Police, Kombes Jhonny Eddizon Isir, to reveal the involvement of certain police officers.

"We are committed and the case will continue to be developed. The Head of Surabaya Police also strongly advised to take action without exception. So that we coordinate with the police, police and headquarters to arrest these elements," said Ardian.

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