SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) is committed to following the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) Number 22 of 2016 in regulating the balance of educational services.

In the Permendikbud, the number per learning group (rombel) for SMP level is regulated by 32 students and a maximum of 33 classes in one school.

Acting Head (Plt), Head of Secondary School (Sekmen) of the Surabaya City Education Service (Dispendik), Tri Aji Nugroho, explained that based on data from the Surabaya Dispendik, the number of SD / MI graduates in 2021 in Kota Pahlawan is 46,575 students.

Meanwhile, the capacity of SMP / MTs is 23,232 students and SMP Negeri 18,208 students (consisting of 569 groups). So that from the total capacity there is a difference of about 5,135 students.

"From the difference in the number of 5,135 elementary school graduates, the municipal government provides the widest possible opportunity for private SMP / MTs to accommodate them," said Aji, his nickname, Friday, March 12.

Meanwhile, the private SMP / MTs also conveyed the capacity of 23,232, there is still a possibility of a revision to increase the number.

"So yesterday the mayor also said that you are welcome to private school friends to get as many students as possible. Well, from the 5,135 graduates, the priority is to go to private school friends first," he said.

This means that when the 2021 Junior High School Student Admissions (PPDB) is completed, the municipal government will provide the widest possible opportunity for private SMP / MTs to recruit students.

Until the deadline for registering private SMP / MTs there will still be children who are not accommodated in school, so that is the responsibility of the Surabaya City Government.

"So later when the private junior high schools can no longer accommodate them, then that becomes the responsibility of the Surabaya City Government. So if you say we don't add classes, our PPDB is still in accordance with the Permendikbud," he said.

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