JAKARTA - The Supreme Court granted the Garuda Party's request to revoke the minimum age limit for governor and deputy governor candidates for 30 years. This was stated in Decision Number 23 P/HUM/2024, decided by the Panel of Judges on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

With the Chairman of the Assembly who decided, namely Yulius and members of the Bright Bangun assembly. The Supreme Court stated Article 4 paragraph (1) letter d of the Indonesian KPU Regulation Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Nomination of the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, and/or Mayors and Deputy Mayors, contrary to Law Number 10 of 2016.

The regulation states that since the determination of the candidate for governor and deputy governor candidate, the candidate must be 30 years old. Now the Constitutional Court asks for the regulation to be revoked and replaced as a candidate for governor and deputy governor candidate at least 30 years old at the time of inauguration.

Regarding the addition of the age rule, it coincided with the emergence of the news that Kaesang Pangarep was predicted to run in the Jakarta Special Region Pilgub. Currently Kaesang is 29 years old. And even 30 years old in December 2024.

It is known that the Pilkada will be held in November 2024, and the inauguration will be held in January 2025. With the replacement of the regulation, it will strengthen Kaesang's steps to run in the Jakarta Pilkada. If you agree with the new rules? Watch the video below.

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