JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) welcomes the circulation of a poster with a picture of the General Chair, Kaesang Pangarep as a candidate for deputy governor (cawagub) for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. PSI considers the rumors of Kaesang's progress with the Deputy Gerindra, Budisatrio Djiwandono as a form of public hope.

"Regarding political codes is a common thing. PSI is certainly happy and proud of the name Mas Kaesang, our general chairman is circulating in the midst of society who wants to become regional heads, such as in Depok, Bekasi, Surabaya and finally in Jakarta," said PSI Deputy Chairman Andy Budiman in his statement, Friday, May 31. "For us, this is a form of hope and longing for the community to be born young leaders who can improve the situation in cities/districts and provinces," he continued. Andy said, currently Kaesang is busy preparing for the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections in various regions by meeting with candidates for governors, regents and mayors who want to register with PSI. "Mas Kaesang wants to maximize ensuring PSI's best cadres can win in various regions of Indonesia," he said.

Regarding the nomination in the Jakarta Pilkada, Andy said, his party was still waiting for Kaesang's attitude and decision. PSI, said Andy, will also see the agreement and direction of senior parties in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition or KIM. "We believe that what is best for the community, PSI will fight there," he concluded.

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