YOGYAKARTA The salaries earned by private workers in a month continue to be cut by the government. The cuts were carried out as part of the program contributions launched by the Government. The list of workers' salary discounts is quite diverse, and the latest is Tapera.

The amount of deductions charged to private employees also varies. The following is a list of employee salary deductions, including Tapera.T

1. Tapera (3 Percent)

One of the hot topics being discussed is cutting salaries for employee participation in the Tapera program. The contribution of Tapera participants itself is quite large, namely 3 percent of salary. The workers' participation program in Tapera is referred to as an effort to encourage community members to own a house. B

3. BPJS Kesehatan (Rp35,000)

The workers' salaries were also cut for BPJS Kesehatan contributions. This piece aims to provide health insurance to workers who are BPJS Health holders. The amount of BPJS Kesehatan deductions itself varies according to class. The salary discount for BPJS Kesehatan is the lowest class, namely class 3 amounting to Rp. 42,000, but workers receive subsidies from the government so that it is enough to pay Rp. 35,000.B

3. BPJS Pension Security Manpower (1 Percent)

Pension Security is one of the programs summarized in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Employees who participate in this program should be required to pay 3 percent, but employees only cover 1 percent of the contribution while the rest is paid by the employer. B

4. BPJS Old Age Security (JHT) (2 Percent)

JHT contributions are a guarantee that workers who retire, are permanently disabled, or die will get cash. However, this insurance is only required for large companies. The nominal contribution is quite large, namely 5.7 percent, but workers only pay 2 percent of the monthly salary, while the rest is paid by the company.B

5. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan JKK and JK (0.24 percent and 0.30 percent)

Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Security (JK) are also taken from workers' salaries at various amounts. The JKK cut itself is adjusted to the business type group with the minimum amount of 0.24 percent to 1.74 percent. Meanwhile, for JK, it is 0.30 percent.P

6. Income tax 21 (15 Percent)

This tax is borne by employees with a minimum salary of IDR 4.5 million per month or more than IDR 54 million per year. The amount of this PPh tax varies from 15 to 35 percent per month. The greater the salary earned, the higher the PPh 21 that must be paid. Meanwhile, workers with salaries below the nominal will not be subject to PPh 21.

That's the list of workers' salary deductions that are currently in effect. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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