SURABAYA - As many as 1.25 tons of milkfish were successfully harvested from the cultivation of a 1 hectare pond through the application of the silvofisher system. The silvofishery system combines the fishery sector while still paying attention to the preservation of mangrove forests.

The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, said that all assets of the Surabaya City Government that have not been utilized or guarded so far will be used for the benefit of the community. Especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many residents have experienced layoffs and need work.

"Therefore, we use the land of the city government assets. If it is in the form of ponds, we give the seeds that work for the community and the results are taken by the community," said Eri during the milkfish harvesting activities at Mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya, Friday, March 12.

The same thing will be applied by the municipal government if the asset land is in the form of agricultural land. The municipal government will entrust the residents of the land so that it can be managed for agricultural land. Of course this is done to support the economy of the local people.

"Even though the land is not a pond, we will use it for rice and other crops. Fainsya Allah, the point is one, all the assets of the city government we use maximally how to support the residents' economy," he said.

Currently, his party is collecting data on all land assets owned by the Surabaya City Government. The plan is that in the next two weeks the data collection will be completed and the land assets can be used. "God willing, the next two weeks can be used by the community," said Eri.

According to Eri, currently the Social Service (Dinsos) in collaboration with the sub-district, village head and RT / RW is collecting data for all residents of Surabaya. This data collection is carried out to determine the income of each family.

Later, said Eri, for Surabaya residents whose income is still below the UMK (city minimum wage), the City Government will be assisted by providing jobs and empowering the business economy.

"I also ask for assistance to the village heads and sub-district heads, we ask for assistance so that the city government knows that its citizens who really need it are whose income is below the UMK," he ordered.

Meanwhile, at this time of harvest, the municipal government not only succeeded in cultivating milkfish, but also vaname shrimp. Through the implemented silvofishery system, the municipal government hopes that residents will benefit from fishery products while still paying attention to the preservation of mangrove forests.

"We plant 2 reans. If 1 rean is around 5,000 (fish), it means 2 rean 10 thousand heads. If the mortality rate is around 10 percent, then only 7,500 tails or 1.2 tons. If the pond area used is around 800 to 1. hectares, are municipal government assets, "said Head of the Surabaya City Food and Agriculture Service (DKPP), Yuniarto Herlambang.

According to Herlambang, fishery cultivation is not only carried out by the municipal government at that location. This is because in the future, other recorded city government assets, both in the form of fishponds and agricultural land, will be used to help the people's economy.

"Later we will identify it in the form of a pond. Some of it will have mangroves, some of it will be a pond that uses residents. So residents can cultivate and the produce can be sold to help the economy there," he concluded.

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