MATARAM - First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo (Jokowi) together with the Solidarity Action Organization for the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet Era (OASEKIM) are scheduled to visit West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province for two days from May 30 to 31, 2024.

Acting (Pj) Chairman of the Regional National Crafts Council (Dekranasda) NTBLale Prayatni said the arrival of First Lady Iriana Jokowi with Oase KIM in order to see the products, special culinary delights of NTB, and lobster cultivation, as well as explore the potential of NTB children through workshops.

"This visit was held for two days, starting on Thursday the 30th to Friday, May 31st," said Lale Prayatni in Mataram City, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 28.

He mentioned that the visit agenda on Thursday (30/5) Mrs. Iriana and her entourage will take part in a training workshop at BPMP NTB in Mataram City. Next to the Lombok Marine Fisheries Center in Sekotong, West Lombok Regency.

"In this place, Mrs. Iriana inspects feed fish cages, pearl reviews, and women's Dharma products, reviews of coral reef transplant waste recycling education," he said.

Meanwhile, on the second day, Friday (31/5), Mrs. Iriana and her entourage will review the Dekranasda exhibition in Central Lombok Regency which consists of local products, local culinary, and local baristas.

"The Dekranasda of 10 regencies and cities in NTB will also be present at the visit of the First Lady and OASE KIM," he said.

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