Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Saldi Isra, reminded the KPU to educate his legal team regarding the technicalities because the mistakes made could harm the institution in the trial of the 2024 PHPU Pilleg case.

This was conveyed in the trial for the case of 258-02-16-31/PHPU.DPR-DPRD-XXII/2024 filling the membership of the Central Maluku Regency DPRD for the Central Maluku District, 1.

Valid as a petitioner is a candidate from the Perindo Party named Kapressy Jacob, valid as the respondent is the KPU, and the related party is a candidate from the same party named Yuanita happened.

At first, Saldi reminded the KPU's legal team as the Respondent because they did not submit 19 proofs of C Results for butts in question. He said that the Constitutional Court only received two pieces of evidence.

"So, now this is the problem, Mr. Afif, your power does not include (form) C Results for 19 polling stations that are being questioned," he told KPU member Mochammad Afifuddin.

Because the evidence submitted was incomplete, Saldi said the Constitutional Court would use complete evidence submitted by Bawaslu.

The complete one is from Bawaslu. So that's what we will use. Later it will be checked with what the Petitioner said. Meanwhile, the Related Party also did not provide. Yes, it's not our fault anymore," he said.

According to him, this mistake is detrimental to the KPU itself as the party represented in the trial. He also reminded the KPU to educate members of its attorney so as not to harm themselves.

He said that technical matters regarding the proof of applications in the trial had been taught in technical guidance. He also regretted that there were still errors in the evidence side.

"Mr. Afif, you must also educate the lawyers from this KPU so that they do not harm the party they represent. Well, those who are like this are troublesome for us. Later the Constitutional Court will suddenly be blamed," he said.

For the warning, a member of the KPU's legal team said he would complete the evidence requested by the Panel of Judges on that same day.

Previously, the KPU's legal team was also reprimanded by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo in a follow-up examination hearing held on May 8, 2024 due to aesthetic errors in writing. He also reminded KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari to provide guidance to the KPU's legal team regarding writing.

He said, although it looked trivial, the quality of the information file or the answers submitted showed the KPU's comprehensive performance.

"An important note, Mr. Chairman (Chairman of the KPU). In the future, in recruiting lawyers representing the interests of the KPU, technical guidance can be given first so that one point of view and one format of response," he said.

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