JAKARTA - Deputy General Treasurer (Wabendum) of the NasDem Party, Joice Triatman, said that the NasDem wing organization, namely the Malahayati Women's Guard (Garnita) had distributed 6,800 food packages in 34 provinces in Indonesia. The funding uses Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) money.
This statement was made by Joice Triatman when he was presented as a witness in the trial of the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities for the defendant Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Muhammad Hatta on Monday, May 27.
It started when Joice Triatman, who also serves as SYL's special staff, was questioned by Chief Justice Rianto Adam Pontoh regarding the use of the Ministry of Agriculture's budget other than Rp. 850 million for the NasDem Babileg event.
Joice then mentioned that there was another NasDem program that used funds from the Ministry of Agriculture, namely the distribution of food packages.
"Moreover, apart from Rp. 850 million?" asked the judge during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court
"In the form of a program, Your Majesty," replied Joice.
"What? Basic necessities?" asked the judge.
"Yes," answered Joice.
"There are also activities from the NasDem Party for the distribution of basic necessities?" asked the judge.
"That's right, Your Majesty," replied Joice.
Then, Joice said he received an order from SYL to coordinate with Kasdi Subagyono, who at that time served as Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The coordination is related to the basic food package program which will be carried out in 2023. The technical distribution of the basic food packages is through the Garnita Malahayati DPW office to 34 provinces in Indonesia.
"I received an order from the Minister to coordinate with Mr. Kasdi, Mr. Secretary General to be related at that time before the holy month of Ramadan," said Joice.
"For this reason, there are activities to distribute basic necessities to all Indonesian people through the Garnita Malahayati DPW office," continued Joice.
"All over Indonesia?" asked the judge.
"That's right, from 34 provinces, Your Majesty," said Joice.
However, Joice admitted that he did not know about the amount of budget for the food package distribution program. This is because Kasdi is said to have sent Sukim as the Head of the General Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture to coordinate regarding the address of the recipient of the food package.
"How much is the origin?" asked the judge.
"I don't know how much the budget is, Your Honor," answered Joice.
"Do you coordinate with Kasdi?" asked the judge.
"My job at that time was to provide addresses and PICs from each province as recipients of the basic necessities, Your Honor," answered Joice.
"Did you meet Kasdi Subagyono in 2023 ahead of Eid, what was conveyed? Is the budget the same as the first?" asked the judge.
"No. So when I received an order from the Minister, then to coordinate with Mr. Kasdi. Mr. Kasdi found out, then Mr. Kasdi sent the head of the general bureau to coordinate the address for the delivery of the basic necessities," said Joice.
Although he did not know the budget, Joice said there were 200 food packages distributed in each province. Thus, for all of Indonesia the number is around 6,800 packages
"In fact, did the basic necessities take place?" asked the judge.
"Executed, Your Majesty," answered Joice.
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