JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his family spent their weekend holidays visiting Borobudur Temple in Magelang Regency, Central Java.

Seen with the President namely First Lady Iriana, her first child, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and his wife Selvi Ananda, and the two grandchildren of the President, Jan Ethes Srinarendra and La Lembah Manah.

"The President's arrival at around 10.00 WIB immediately caught the attention of other visitors who also enjoyed the beauty of one of the world cultural heritage sites," said a written statement from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, May 25.

Heri Setiawan, a guide from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology who accompanied the President's entourage during the visit, conveyed some information about Borobudur Temple and its sustainability.

According to him, President Jokowi had asked about the arrangement of visitors who wanted to go up to the temple.

"He welcomes it, giving positive responses related to the limitation on the number of visits because inevitably if the visit is not limited, it will result in the acceleration of the destruction and weathering of Borobudur Temple," said Heri.

During the visit, President Jokowi also interacted with his grandchildren, teaching them about the history and importance of preserving historical sites.

Jan Ethes' question about reliefs and stupa, as well as the education dialogue between grandparents, shows valuable educational moments.

"Is this a Buddhist temple, Mas Ethes? What temple is Prambanan Temple?" President Jokowi told Jan Ethes as told by Hari.

Alif and Tira, visitors from Makassar, feel very lucky to meet the President unexpectedly.

"Surprisebanget. Earlier we saw a group of officials but the car was the President's car, it turned out that he was the one who came," said Alif, describing their surprise.

Not only domestic tourists, this meeting also became a special for a group of exchange students from the Netherlands, Belgium, to Pakistan.

"It's a lucky day for us!" said one student, describing how lucky they were to meet President Jokowi in person when they visited Indonesia.

lembaga, salah satu siswa asal Belgia, mengatakan mereka telah berada di Indonesia sejak Februari lalu. Mereka merasa sangat kerahan di Indonesia karena persahabatan dan pertenuhan penduduknya.

"They are very friendly, very good, always smiling. They make us feel very special," he said.

Natasha, a student from Pakistan, was impressed by President Jokowi's closeness to his people.

"In my country there is a president, but not this close to local residents," he said.

This visit not only provides valuable moments for the President's family but also inspires other visitors about the importance of historical value and family togetherness.

The Presidential Secretariat described the visit as an activity of a leader who not only protects and manages the country, but also the values of family and culture.

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