JAKARTA - The Papuan Student Alliance will report Malang Police Chief Kombes Leonardus Harapanantua Simarmata Permata to the Police Profession and Security Division (Propam). This reporting was in the aftermath of statements that were considered racial.
"We strongly condemn his statement that uttered racist and discriminatory words against Papuan students", said Papuan Student Alliance lawyer Michael Himan to reporters, Thursday, March 11.
The racial statement began when Papuan students staged an action in front of the Malang Police to ask their arrested colleagues to be released.
Originally, several Papuan students were arrested by the police during action on International Women's Day, on Monday, March 8. This activity is the Women's Solidarity Movement with the People that voice the issue of women and the rejection of special autonomy.
The statement of Kombes Leonardus Harapanantua that was considered racial was when he ordered his members to shoot the students if they broke into the Malang Police.
"Shoot, shoot, shoot dead. If the door is smashed, shoot. Their blood is lawful", Michael said, imitating the Police Chief's statement.
With this statement, the Papuan Student Alliance intends to report the Malang Police Chief today. However, the intention was suppressed, and decided to postpone it until tomorrow.
"Because today is a holiday, tomorrow we will come back to file a complaint as a follow-up to the statement of the Police Chief", he said.
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