JAKARTA - Former TNI Commander (Ret.) Andika Perkasa attended the PDIP V Rakernas at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta today, Friday, May 24. From observations in the field, Andika was seen wearing a PDIP-type red long-sleeved shirt. On the chest there was a white-snouted bull logo and its name. Andika was greeted by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri when delivering her speech at the opening ceremony. "There was Mr. Andika Perkasa," Megawati said while greeting Andika at the event. The cadres who were in the room were then excited when the camera pointed at Andika and his face was on the screen. How come there are many fans? So suspicious, " said Megawati with a smile. Andika then gave a smile. He also smiled. Megawati on that occasion called Andika as the former TNI Commander.
For information, Andika Perkasa is not the first time to come to the PDIP agenda. In addition, he is also included in the ranks of the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN). It didn't stop there, Andika Perkasa was also mentioned several times as a potential figure to run in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.
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