JAKARTA - There were at least 250 employees of PT Bumi Menara Internusa (BMI) Dampit Branch, Malang and residents, held a demonstration at the Kepanjen District Court to voice their concerns. The action demanded the cancellation of the Cassation decision by the Supreme Court (MA) No. 1944 K / PDT / 2023 which seriously threatens the lives of more than 2,500 workers and their families and local residents.

The actions of these employees and the community reject the execution of the land which is currently the location of the fishery processing plant PT BMI which is still operating today. The factories that are the focus of life for many families are located on Jl. Pahlawan No. 1-3, Dampit Village, Dampit District, Malang Regency, East Java Province. "The execution plan is certainly very disturbing for employees and residents around the location. We represent employees of PT Bumi Menara Internusa Malang Branch along with local residents, urging that the decision of MA No. 1944 K / PDT / 2023 be canceled. We request that the law in this country be enforced according to the actual evidence and facts," said Legal Corporate PT. BMI, Dwi Ibnu, in his official statement Wednesday, May 22.

Around 250 employees and the community took action by gathering at PT. Bumi Menara Internusa Malang Branch. Then the group moved through Jl. Segaluh, then Jl. Penataran, and finally Jl. National before arriving at the Kepanjen District Court.

The employee and community actions were carried out in connection with a lawsuit against Indra Winoto's land used by PT BMI for the operation of his company under the rights of SHM 463 which is located on Jl. Pahlawan No.1-3, Dampit Village, Dampit District, Malang Regency, East Java Province which was won by the plaintiff, namely May Setyawati et al to the Kasasi level and is currently in the process of applying for land execution.

"We as employees of PT BMI Dampit and also residents around the factory feel the need to make a statement as a consideration by Mr. Judge Your Honor without intending to intervene in the ongoing legal process, in the PK (Reconsideration) process of this case," said Ibnu further.

He reiterated that the land being sued by Indra Winoto was lent to PT BMI Dampit until it was built into a company where employees worked so far. On the land stands a company that supports approximately 2,000 employees directly.

"Employees have worked in this factory for years, as have some local residents who have been selling around this factory for years. So they also feel compelled to provide support to this factory," he said.

Then he added that his party had studied and understood the main problem that became the basis for the lawsuit in this case.

"In our opinion, when this issue was decided at the last trial, the evidence held by the Defendants, namely Mr. Indra Winoto and PT BMI, had not been able to break the argument proposed by the Plaintiff. But for now, the Defendant, Mr. Indra Winoto and PT BMI, already have new evidence, which we think is very convincing that Mr. Indra Winoto and PT BMI are the right parties," he explained.

That's why all employees and citizens ask Your Honor's Judge to be willing to carefully examine the new evidence submitted by the Defendants. So that it can give the fairest decision, based on the correct evidence. "We believe that there is still justice in this country, and there are still many law enforcers who are noble in upholding truth and justice based on the correct evidence," he said.

He strongly believes that if truth and justice are enforced based on the correct evidence, the Defendant will be the party who won this case. As a result, of course, all employees will continue to work calmly and many families will be saved.

"We submitted the PK application and PK memory, because we found new evidence (Novum) which is very decisive and already there when the case took place at the previous level," he said.

New evidence or novum is intended in an effort to review (PK) related to the land case of the PT BMI factory in Dampit, Malang. The evidence was submitted by his party (PT BMI) as the applicants for PK II and Indra Winoto as the applicant for PK I. because it involves the lives of many people.

Meanwhile, one of the representatives of PT BMI employees who took part in the demonstration, Purnawan, stated his request that currently all parties focus on the PK process and postpone the land execution process. He stated that thousands of employees would be threatened if the execution process was carried out before the PK process was completed. He emphasized that the land being sued was vital to the company's operations. "If the land is executed, then the biggest impact will be that the factory has to be closed. Because the land being sued is about 7,000 m2, it is right in the middle of the factory which is the center of production," said Purnawan, who is one of the participants in the action.

He added that the lawsuit process had been carried out since 2021, and now the plan to execute the land proposed by May Setyawati et al as the party that won this case made employees very restless about their future fate. "We ask the central government in Jakarta so that the PK process is not carried out at this time. We are sure that in the PK process later we will be in a strong position," he said.

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