The accident occurred between a tourism bus and a truck on the Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road, East Java, resulting in two deaths and dozens of injuries, resulting in treatment.

Kanit 3 PJR Polda Jatim AKP Yudiono explained that the accident between the Bimario tourism bus and a truck loaded with pottery occurred at KM 695+400 on the A Toll Road Jombang - Mojokerto.

"The bus transports PGRI Wonosari Malang junior high school students who have just traveled from Yogyakarta to Malang," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 22.

The accident occurred on Tuesday (21/5) night. The incident started with a bus with the police number W 7422 UP being traveling at high speed. The bus was driven by Yanto (36), a resident of Bendorejo Hamlet 03/01, Gembongan Village, Ponggok District, Blitar Regency.

"Arriving at Km 695+400, the driver was thought to be sleepy so he couldn't control the steering so he swerved to the left and hit the truck in front of him," he said.

The bus crashed into a truck with police number N-9674-UH loaded with pottery, from behind. The truck was driven by Arif Yulianto (37), a resident of Lawang District, Malang Regency.

When the truck happened, it was driving in the left lane. The last position of the bus vehicle stuck to the back of the truck in the left lane facing the east.

As a result of the incident, two people were known to have died and dozens were injured. In addition, dozens of other bus passengers managed to survive.

"An analysis of the incident, the accident was allegedly because the bus driver was sleepy, resulting in an accident," he said.

The victims who died were a bus assistant named Edy Sulistiyono (46), a resident of Semanding Hamlet, Bangle Village, Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency.

Another death toll, Edy Crisna Handaka (62), one of the teachers who took part in the group, a resident of Ngebruk Village, Sumber Pucung District, Malang Regency.

Meanwhile, Astra Toll's Dept Head Business & Relations JomoUdhi Dwi Saputro said the two vehicles swerved to the left and hit the OS Guardrail barrier and then bounced to the right.

"The final position of the two vehicles stopped at L.1 facing the east with the condition of the bus body stuck in the back of the truck," he said.

Officers who at that time had received reports directly to the location and helped evacuate the victims. They were taken to the hospital for further treatment.

As for the passengers who survived, they were also evacuated to a safer place.

Meanwhile, the bus body was also evacuated by crane. The police conducted an investigation of the crime scene in the incident.

"The injured were taken to the hospital. The survivors continued their journey back by replacement bus," he said.

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