BOGOR - Chairman of Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD, Akhmad Saeful Bakhri, reminded the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) within the Bogor City Government to maintain neutrality ahead of the Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

Not only that, officials who are in the Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) are also asked to submit and comply with Circular (SE) NUMBER: 100.3.4/2159 BKPSDM concerning the Implementation of Netrality of State Civil Apparatus and Employees of Regional Owned Enterprises within the Bogor City Government in the Implementation of the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, as well as Mayors and Deputy Mayors of 2024.

"Yes, please remind myself as a candidate for mayor (Balon) who has registered at one of the political parties not to use state facilities and use bureaucratic relations for winning media," said the man who is familiarly called ASB, Tuesday, May 22.

ASB admits that it has appealed to partners, especially OPDs that are prone to being politicized, such as the Education Office (Disdik) not to provide space in each education unit.

"Moreover, education units that incidentally for places to study. So, must be completely clean from any politicization of the packaging that will be carried out by the wings of its supporters," said ASB.

He hopes that in the future, the Bogor City OPD will have a more sensitive sense in organizing events or events sourced from APBD funds.

"Anyone who should be invited later, this must be more selective. Therefore, we are committed to moving on the neutral route and ask the OPD to be more sensitive to accommodation for activities involving balloons or people suspected of being worthy of being a balloon team in carrying out activities," he concluded.

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