The Padang Lawas (Palas) District Attorney, North Sumatra has named three suspects for alleged corruption in the procurement of the 2019 budget village website in the region.

"The suspects are OAB as Commissioner of CV DSB, HHN as secretary of Botung Village, Batang Lubu Sutam, Padang Lawas Regency and as second party CV IH and SON as collector of budget funds for the 2019 budget., "said Head of the Padang Lawas Kejari Intelligence Section, Andri Rico M, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 20.

Andri melanjutkan, penetapan tersangka yang dilakukan oleh penyidik Kejari Padang Lawas pada 17 Mei 2024.

Report on the results of the examination of the investigation of the Padang Lawas District Inspectorate Number: 713/1211 dated July 14 regarding alleged irregularities against the procurement of village tourists for the 2019 fiscal year in Padang Lawas Regency.

"There were findings with a total value of state financial losses made by the CV DSB provider of Rp2,762,500,000 and a total state loss made by the CV IH provider of Rp260 million," said Andri.

"The suspects were not detained due to the investigators' subjective reasons according to the Criminal Code," he said.

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