MEDAN - The Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi formed a special team (timsus) related to the mutation of COVID-19. Timsus was formed because one Medan person was exposed to a new variant of COVID-19.

"I have signed the team leader for evaluation and detection, Dr. Inke and his team," said Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi, to reporters in Medan, Wednesday, March 10.

However, the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy, has yet to reveal the results of the tracing or the study conducted by a special team. Edy said that the timsus was still working.

"We'll wait for the results of his detection on health. I won't tell you now because it's very technical. You can't just say it if you're not sure," said Edy.

Previously, the Spokesperson for the North Sumatra (North Sumatra) COVID-19 Task Force, Aris Yudhariansyah, said that the new variant of the virus had been detected in Medan.

This is known from the results of swab samples conducted by the Ministry of Health Research and Development in Jakarta.

"From the results of the swab samples, one resident of Medan City was detected with the B117 virus," said Aris.

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