BOGOR, Bogor City Government, West Java, through the Health Office, has held the Walagri Pamong Detection Festival to prevent non-communicable diseases and monitor mental health among state civil servants (ASN) in their area. The opening of the Walagri Pamong Detection Festival was carried out by the Bogor City Health Office in collaboration with the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) which was held at the Bogor City Education Office Hall, on Wednesday 15 May.

"Gebyar Pamong Walagri's activities were opened yesterday by the Regional Secretary of Bogor City, Mrs. Syarifah Sofiah and attended by OPD leaders in the Bogor City area," said the Head of the Bogor City Health Office, Friday, May 17.

Retno explained, Pamong Walagri is one of the innovation programs of the Bogor City Health Office which began in 2018, with the main activities in the form of prevention and control of risk factors for non-communicable diseases and mental health for Bogor City ASN. Through early detection activities, periodic health monitoring, and continuous referrals held every May and October.

The results of checking and examination results as well as early detection will be integrated from the Walagri Pamong Application with the Bogor City Simpeg so that it can be accessed by ASN on their respective Simpeg accounts.

Innovative activity of Pamong Walagri is an acronym for 'Health Checks and Sports By Regulatoryly Beware of Early Degenerative Disorder Symptoms'.

The PRRogram has been strengthened by the Bogor Mayor's Decree number: 443,45-210 of 2019 concerning the formation of Pamong Walagri, and at the Puskesmas, the person in charge of managing Walagri's Pamong activities through the Letter of the Head of the Bogor City Health Office Number 800 /7125 P2P in 2023 concerning the Determination of the Regional Apparatus Development UPTD / Working Unit for Pamong Walagri activities.

Based on the results of the 2023 Pamong Walagri activity carried out at the Bogor City Health Center, of the 6,987 ASNs in Bogor City, which should have been checked for the detection of PTM risk factors, there were only 2,303 ASN (32.96%) who had just conducted an inspection.

This is still far from the target while the prevalence of PTM such as Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension is predicted to continue.

To increase the coverage of Walagri's Pamong activities in 2024, the Bogor City Health Office carried out the Kick Off of the Walagri Pamong detection celebration which was held at the Bogor City Education Office Hall,

As a first step for early detection of PTM risk factors in all ASN in Bogor City, which amounted to 7,972 people, which were then followed by other Regional Apparatus Work Units (SKPD) according to the agreed schedule with the Puskesmas in charge.

It is hoped that this activity can increase the real support and awareness of all OPD leaders and ranks in the Bogor City area to make the Walagri Pamong Gebyar a success and can be carried out with results according to the target of 100% ASN being screened for risk factors for non-communicable diseases.

Namely getting an overview of the problem of the risk factors of Non-Infectious Diseases and mental health, namely: obesity, hypertension suspects, hypercolesterol, suspected mellitus diabetus, cigarette consumption, and indications of mental health problems for Bogor City ASN, which are informed by the results to the head of the SKPD in the form of feedback from Walagri's Pamong activities so that it can encourage the head of the SKPD to create a GERMAS work culture in the SKPD he leads.

Then, increase the concern and awareness of Bogor City ASN in carrying out early detection of risk factors for PTM and mental health and implementing CERDIK (Cek Kesehatan / Blood Pressure periodically, blowing up cigarette smoke, Diligent physical activity, healthy and balanced Diet, adequate rest, stress management. This can be a trigger for better work productivity of ASN, so that ASN health is optimal, maximum performance.

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