MAKASSAR - The Wajo State Prosecutor's (Kejari) Special Crime Team, South Sulawesi, arrested two employees of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) in the Wajo region.

Kasi Penkum Kejati Sulsel Idil, said two unscrupulous officials within the Ministry of Religion allegedly committed corruption cutting off TPQ / MDA / MDT operational assistance in Wajo. This assistance is a program of the Ministry of Religion.

"The special criminal investigation team of the Attorney General's Office of Wajo has secured two Ministry of Religion employees with suspicion of corruption cases," Kasi Penkum of the South Sulawesi Attorney General's Office told reporters, Wednesday, March 10.

The two perpetrators who were secured with the initials My and Aw. The two of them were arrested, on Tuesday, March 9.

From this arrest, the Kejari team confiscated Rp. 12.5 million in cash in a mosque in Tanasitolo District.

"There was Rp12.5 million in cash," said Idil.

These arrests were made after the Prosecutor's Office received a complaint about cutting operational assistance for the pesantren. The money for the Koran and Madrasah educational parks was allegedly cut between Rp1-3.5 million.

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