JAKARTA - The wave of conflict from the Democratic Party has further eroded the leadership of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). One by one the strongest fact is that his father, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is not the owner of a party bearing the mercy star logo.

The founders then brought up the birth of the Democrats to dare to propose to SBY as a presidential candidate when he became Megawati's minister.

Through the facts revealed by the founder, the situation faced by Prince Cikeas was like a karma from SBY's attitude during his reign as Democrat. Where the coup came to AHY through KLB Deli Serdang, it turned out that SBY had once sown him when he took the seat of Democrat 1 from the hands of Anas Urbaningrum.

In fact, the smell of SBY's interference, who at that time was silent about the conflict within the PKB, was finally smelled through his own statement which was answered by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD. SBY said there was government intervention that supported the Deli Serdang KLB.

In fact, when there was dualism in PKB between the camps of Abdurrahman Wahid and Muhaimin Iskandar, SBY was also silent. Even Gus Dur mentioned SBY as the root cause of his party's problems.

Chronology of SBY's Proposal to Democrats

One by one, SBY's sins began to be read out. In fact, SBY does not have the right to ownership of the Democratic Party, as he has admitted for the past 20 years. The founders did not accept that the open Democrat Party was now transformed into a family-owned dynastic party.

One of the founders of the Democratic Party, Hencky Luntung repeatedly emphasized that from the list of names of 99 Democratic Party founders included in the notary certificate, there was no name Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

Before the 99 formation above was approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights, actually the founding of a democratic party was only 3 (three) people, namely, Vence Rumangkang, Kurdi Mustofa and Ki Ageng Noto.

Then from the three initiators / initiators as well as the early founders of the Democratic Party prior to the issuance of the 2001 Political Party Law, 9 (nine) management were drawn up, each bringing 3 people.

Ki Ageng invited Prof. S.Budhisantoso and Irzan Tanjung, then Vence invited Prof. Rompas & Henky Luntung, then Kurdish, because the active military was not allowed to act as the founder of the party, he appointed his friends, namely Ahmad Yani, Mubarok and one other.

After being registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights at that time, the nine names were temporarily suspended because they were waiting for the new 2001 Political Party Law. After the 2001 Political Party Law was published, it turned out that one of the conditions required that a political party be established, at least by 50 people.

Then from the 9 administrators each suggested / brought their friends up to 99 people. The 99 people finally signed the Notary Deed for the establishment of the Democratic Party, which was then ratified by the Minister of Law and Human Rights.

Initially, it was suggested from the first nine administrators at the time of formation, to bring as many as 10 friends each to a total of 90 people. However, Vence finally agreed that because this party was prepared to carry SBY forward in the 2004 presidential election, then he then took the initiative to take SBY's birth date on September 9, as the number of signatories to the Deed of establishment of the Democratic Party became 99 people.

Initially, SBY doubted the Democratic Party, because he had received a guarantee from the PKB, which would carry him out in the 2004 presidential election.

However, with the hard work and seriousness of the founders that he was very serious about making the Democratic Party as SBY's political vehicle to advance in the 2004 Presidential Election, SBY finally believed that after the founder entered his wife's name, in addition to becoming Deputy General Chair, apart from the 99 people who had signed the Party's Deed of Establishment. Democrats.

Moeldoko was approached by the founders of the Democrat Party to become a chairman

The incident 20 years ago was repeated. If the founders previously asked the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs SBY to use the Democrats as their political vehicle ahead of the 2004 presidential election, today the founders and cadres also asked the Chief of Staff of the President KSP Moeldoko to become the chairman of the Democratic Party.

This is based on the decline in party electability since SBY took the lead. Where when SBY was elected president, under the leadership of Hadi Utomo as the chairman of the Democrats vote acquisition was 21 percent.

"When the PD was coup d'etat by SBY, who at that time was the president who was concurrently serving as the chairperson to replace Anas Urbaningrum in 2015, the Democrat Party's votes fell to 12 percent. It was eroded by 10 percent," said former Head of the Democratic Office, Muhammad Rahmat.

When the Democrats were still led by SBY and AHY as chairman of Kogasma, which became the authority to win the Democratic Party, in fact, the vote was only 7 percent.

"If cancer and boils continue, it is likely that in 2024 the Democratic Party's vote acquisition will be below 5 percent," said Rahmat.

This, he said, worries the founders and seniors who founded the party. Because of that, the initiator of the KLB asked Moeldoko to save the Democratic Party from a disease that could stop the party's lifespan.

"We invite Pak Moeldoko, we want Pak Moeldoko to improve the situation so that the internal conditions of the Democratic Party return to good condition," said Rahmat.

"So, there is no business saying the state is involved, Pak Jokowi is involved, there is no business saying internal government parties are involved. It is free essay, baseless essay, false arguments, misleading arguments. Because the main objective of the KLB is how the Democratic Party is concerned. getting back better, "he continued.

Moeldoko refused to be offered to be a ketum

Before proposing Moeldoko, Rahmat revealed, the founders and cadres of the Democrats had thought carefully about who would be the right person to improve the party.

"To be good, it takes figures who have strong networks, who have good capabilities," said Rahmat.

This reason made the founders and cadres agree to ask Moeldoko as chairman of the Democratic Party.

"And the reason for this stage 5 cancer was conveyed to Mr. Moeldoko so that the seniors said, 'Sir if you want to fix Indonesia's democracy, if you love millions of PD cadres throughout Indonesia, if you love Indonesia's future then do political jihad. do democratic jihad by being willing to lead the Democrats' party, "said Rahmat, quoting a request from the seniors to Moeldoko.

Rahmat also revealed that Moeldoko had refused when asked to lead the Democrats.

"Pak Moeldoko did not want to but then news emerged from Pak SBY who said he was sorry to see Mr Moeldoko. Then there was pressure on Mr Moeldoko so that the seniors came back to Mr Moeldoko. 'Sir, you have to challenge this threat, you have to prove this threat, you have to make it happen. this pressure becomes a reality. 'This is the background, "said Rahmat emphasized.

After expressing regret at Moeldoko, SBY attacked the government with accusations of intervention.

SBY Scissors PKB Gus Dur, Betrayal Mega, and Anas Coup

Moeldoko's willingness to become the Democrat who was asked by the KLB in North Sumatra was praised because of that. The occurrence of the North Sumatra KLB is considered as the spirit of nature and learning democracy for SBY and all Indonesian people.

The attitude of how SBY cut the PKB during the Gus Dur era, and took part in invading the PDI DPP at that time was considered as a betrayal by SBY to Megawati when he was Minister of Political, Legal and Security Affairs. Furthermore, SBY's actions to overthrow Anas Urbaningrum, what happened today were retaliation, natural law, as well as learning democracy for SBY.

"The opponent continues to be a traitor who looks like an angel but is cruel," said PPJNA 98 Secretary General Abdul Salam Nur Ahmad, in a written statement, Tuesday, March 9.

SBY's Karma for his behavior was also revealed by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD. According to him, when he became president and there was a struggle for PKB between Gus Dur and Cak Imin, SBY was said to be silent, not mediate.

AHY Mirror Karma SBY Coup

The supporter of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) who is also the former Head of the Democratic Office, Muhammad Rahmat, stated that the entry of the Chief of Staff of the President of KSP Moeldoko to the Democrat party was the same as Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stepping into the party with the Mercy Star logo in 2003.

"Neither party cadres," said Rahmat during a press conference in the Kuningan area, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 9.

Rahmat gave an example of regional heads who were promoted by the Democratic Party. Where when elected, they are given important positions in party management.

"How many regents and mayors, governors all over Indonesia when they become governors, when they become regents, when they become mayors, they become chairman of the Democratic party. They were not previously PD cadres and we know exactly that," said Rahmat.

This was done, he continued, because the Democratic Party is a modern and open party. So that it does not close the door for anyone who wants to be the leader of the party.

So that what the KLB is currently doing, said Rahmat, has also been carried out by SBY. Namely, by appointing his eldest son, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) as a candidate for regional head as well as chairman of Kogasma. In fact, according to Rahmat, AHY is not a party cadre.

"It is the same with Pak SBY when AHY was in the rank of major on duty in Australia, the state duty, was called home, was ordered to leave the TNI to apply to become a Jakarta Sub-district and become a cadre of the Democratic Party.

Therefore, Rahmat emphasized that the appointment of Moeldoko to be the chairman of the Democratic Party as a result of the Deli Serdang KLB was reasonable. Because SBY had this attitude.

"What SBY has done is the same as what we did. So when SBY twists and turns this fact it is funny and strange," said Rahmat.

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