SUKABUMI - The Sukabumi Regency Police, West Java, revealed that the suspect Ra (26 years old), the perpetrator of the murder of his biological mother, a resident of Cilandak Village, Sukabumi Regency, after killing had visited his neighbor by asking a neighbor to kill him on Tuesday.
"After killing his biological mother Inas (44) at home in RT 15/04, Sekarsari Village, Kalibunder District, the suspect then came to his neighbor's house and gave Rp330 thousand. The money was given to his neighbor as wages to kill suspect Ra," said Kalibunder Police Chief Iptu Taufik Hadian quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 15.
The murder of his biological mother took place on Monday evening at around 17.30 WIB and on Tuesday morning residents around his residence were excited. Police acted quickly to arrest the perpetrators of the murder.
According to Taufik, from the results of the examination of the witness who was the victim's neighbor, Pahrudin. Ra continued to ask Pahrudin to kill him, but was ignored, even the suspect admitted to having killed his biological mother.
However, because he did not believe it and suspected that Ra was recurring, the first witness asked the second witness, Isra, to calm the suspect. However, Isra was suspicious and curious about what the young man said, who finally entered the house where the victim and the suspect lived and saw Inas had died in his bedroom with severe injuries to his head and face.
Spontaneously the two witnesses asked other neighbors for help and contacted security officers. When the Jampangkulon Koramil personnel and the Kalibunder Police arrived at the location, the suspect could only remain silent and not try to escape.
According to information from several residents who were at the scene, Ra is suspected of being a person with a mental disorder (ODGJ) and often goes berserk on his mother if his request is not complied with.
"So far, the victim and the suspect only live alone, while the suspect's father, who is also the victim's husband, has long died. To the officers, Ra admitted that he had killed his biological mother using a fork," he said.
Taufik said the murder case was transferred to the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim and the suspect had also been taken to the Sukabumi Police Headquarters and was being questioned by investigators to reveal the motive for killing his own mother.
According to information given to investigators, Ra killed his mother on Monday (13/5) at around 17.30 WIB. The murder was carried out while the victim was sleeping in his room and the murder was only discovered on Tuesday (14/5) morning at around 04.15 WIB by local residents.
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