JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said that the head of the anti-corruption commission in the future should not be affiliated with certain officials. Thus, this institution is increasingly daring to investigate allegations of corruption that ensnare anyone.

"From eight years on the road nine, my experience at the KPK as the leader is, the more he does not have affiliation with the agency where he came from or has relationships with other high-ranking officials, yes, for me it's better," Alexander told reporters as quoted from the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Wednesday, May 15.

"What does that mean, when he takes action there is no hesitation. After all, he doesn't know anyone," he continued.

Alexander said that he had experienced this kind of experience. He said, when a head of the anti-corruption commission has a relationship with certain officials they will hesitate in carrying out their duties.

"Maybe there is, yes, there is a feeling of hesitation when it comes to the case, even though actually, I always convey that the handling of cases at the KPK is system, standardly at the leadership level it is almost closed door to intervene," he said.

In addition, prospective leaders of the anti-corruption commission in the future are expected to pay attention to their professionalism. And also related to integrity," said Alexander.

Then this figure must also understand the issue of corruption, such as the mode that is usually used. If not, then he will also be fined, right, "explained Alexander.

"Because he must also provide clues when at the time of exposure when the leader agrees that the case is sufficient evidence and deserves to go up, yes, he should know," he said.

As previously reported, the Presidential Special Staff, Ari Dwipayana, said that the name of the selection committee (pansel) for the KPK leadership was being studied by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). It is certain that the public hopes will be accommodated later.

"The names of candidates for Pansel Capim and the KPK Council are still being discussed by paying attention to the expectations of the community to get credible and integrity Pansel members," said Ari Dwipayana in a short message in Jakarta, Thursday.

Ari said the membership of the Pansel would number 9 people consisting of 5 elements of the government and 4 people from elements of the community who would be determined through the President's decision. "The names of members of the KPK Pansel will be announced this month," he said.

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