JAKARTA - Perumda PAM Jaya targets the addition of 2 million clean water service customers in Jakarta to meet 100 percent service coverage by 2030, according to the instructions of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

Meanwhile, based on data at the end of December 2023, PAM Jaya's service coverage is still around 67 percent with 930 thousand customers.

President Director of PAM Jaya, Arief Nasrudin, emphasized that this BUMD will require 2,500 competent employees in various business processes to achieve the target of 2 million connections by 2030.

Currently, PAM Jaya has 1,580 employees as of April 2024 and some are entering retirement period of up to 90 people every year.

"PAM Jaya needs to take strategic steps from now on in ensuring the availability of employees in 2030. In preparing and developing future leaders, PAM Jaya carries out one of the steps, namely holding Management Trainee (MT)," Arief said in his statement, Wednesday, May 15.

On that basis, after the termination of water privatization, PAM Jaya again held a management train (MT) batch II through PAMANAH Future Leader to recruit thousands of employees who were trustworthy in the future. Moreover, Perumda PAM Jaya has managed to score a profit of up to IDR 1.1 trillion and has assets worth IDR 5.3 trillion in 2023.

PAMANAH Future Leader is a management training program aimed at obtaining high-quality candidates and has the potential to occupy leadership positions from external companies.

"PAM Jaya must ensure the availability of quality human resources by having competencies that are ready to achieve the business targets that have been determined to meet the service coverage targets," explained Arief.

In 2023, PAM Jaya gains a profit of up to IDR 1.1 trillion and has assets worth IDR 5.3 trillion. PAM Jaya's General Director, Tedy Jiwantara Sitepu, emphasized that the profit was used as the basic capital to install entire networks and water installations that would serve 100 percent of Jakarta residents.

"So, if there is profit, it is not used for programs or purchases of unproductive assets. But we use it to prepare the Human Capital, the training, the education, as well as prepare a network of drinking water installations that we make for water production in the future," explained Teddy.

The PAMANAH Future Leader batch 2 management training program was attended by 2,691 applicants and 1087 applicants or 40 percent were declared to have passed the administrative selection which was included in the next stage of the selection.

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