JAKARTA - The Chief of Staff of the Army (KSAD) General Andika Perkasa said the former volleyball athlete Aprilia Manganang was not as lucky as children in general. Mainly the clarity of gender.

Where Aprilia Manganang was born had abnormalities in her reproduction or hypospadias. From this disorder, Aprilia Manganang has been mistaken for a woman by her family since she was a child.

"A person named Aprilian Manganang is not as fortunate as us, so when he was born this child had abnormalities in his reproduction, which in health terminology is called hypospadias," said Andika Perkasa to reporters, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 9.

Andika explained that this case often occurs in Indonesia. In fact, he said, this case ranks second from the number of cases that usually occur for the birth of baby boys.

"So for every 250 baby boys born there is one who has an abnormality, or 4 people in every 1,000 people born," said Andika.

Not knowing this disorder, said Andika, was due to the condition of Aprilia Manganang's parents. Apart from that, the education of Aprilian Manganang's parents was not high either.

"Incidentally, he did not finish elementary school, so when he was born this child who helped with the delivery was the home paramedic," said Andika.

In short, said Andika, the TNI AD saw Aprilia Manganang's achievements. Especially in volleyball. Then, the Indonesian Army, said Andika, recruited Aprilia Manganang in an outstanding non-commissioned officer recruitment program.

As time went on, the Indonesian Army conducted an examination of the sex of Aprilia Manganang. This offer was welcomed by Manganang and accepted to do a sex check.

After a series of medical examinations, Aprilia Manganang was declared male. Then, Aprila Manganang's internal organs also did not lead to women.

"Hormonal examination is also like that, the hormone testosterone is also measured so factually and scientifically we believe Sergeant Manganang has more male hormonal categories," said Andika.

Likewise with the results of the radiological examination. "The radiological examination also revealed the same thing," said Andika.

This medical examination was initially carried out at Wolter Mongisidi Hospital, Manado, North Sulawesi on February 3. But the limitations of the hospital made the Indonesian Army decide to bring Aprilia Manganang to Jakarta.

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