JAKARTA - The internal chaos of the Democratic Party has escalated after the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) was held in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, on Friday, March 5.

The pro-KLB camp who is also a former head of the Democratic Office, Muhammad Rahmat, said that the extraordinary congress (KLB) had to be carried out immediately in order to save the party. Due to the leadership of the regime of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) as chairman of the upper house and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) as chairman, it is stage 5 cancer.

"There is arbitrariness that has occurred within the Democratic party so that it must be replaced, otherwise the Democratic party's electability gain in 2024 will fall, perhaps below 5 percent," said Rahmat at a press conference in the Kuningan area, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 9.

Rahmat revealed that he estimates that the party's electability will decline due to the trend that has been seen since SBY led the party bearing the Mercy star logo. Where when SBY was elected president, under the leadership of Hadi Utomo as the chairman of the Democrats vote acquisition was 21 percent.

"When the PD was coup d'etat by SBY, who at that time was the president who was also the chairman of Anas Urbaningrum in 2015, the Democrat Party's votes fell to 12 percent. It was reduced by 10 percent," said Rahmat.

Then, he continued, when the Democrats were still led by SBY and AHY as the chairman of Kogasma, which became the authority to win the Democratic Party, in fact, the votes were only 7 percent.

"If cancer and boils continue, it is likely that in 2024 the Democratic Party's vote acquisition will be below 5 percent," said Rahmat.

This, he said, worries the founders and seniors who founded the party. Because of that, the initiator of the KLB asked Moeldoko to save the Democratic Party from a disease that could stop the party's lifespan.

"We invite Pak Moeldoko, we want Pak Moeldoko to improve the situation so that the internal conditions of the Democratic Party return to good condition," said Rahmat.

"So, there is no business saying the state is involved, Pak Jokowi is involved, there is no business saying internal government parties are involved. It is free essay, baseless essay, false arguments, misleading arguments. Because the main objective of the KLB is how the Democratic Party is concerned. getting back better, "he continued.

Before proposing Moeldoko, Rahmat revealed, the founders and cadres of the Democrats had thought carefully about who would be the right person to improve the party.

"To be good, it takes figures who have strong networks, who have good capabilities," said Rahmat.

This reason made the founders and cadres agree to ask Moeldoko as chairman of the Democratic Party.

"And the reason for this stage 5 cancer was conveyed to Mr. Moeldoko so that the seniors said, 'Sir if you want to fix Indonesia's democracy, if you love millions of PD cadres throughout Indonesia, if you love Indonesia's future then do political jihad. do democratic jihad by being willing to lead the Democrats' party, "said Rahmat, quoting a request from the seniors to Moeldoko.

Rahmat also revealed that Moeldoko had refused when asked to lead the Democrats.

"Pak Moeldoko did not want to but then news emerged from Pak SBY who said he was sorry to see Mr Moeldoko. Then there was pressure on Mr Moeldoko so that the seniors came back to Mr Moeldoko. 'Sir, you have to challenge this threat, you have to prove this threat, you have to make it happen. this pressure becomes a reality. 'This is the background, "said Rahmat emphasized.

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