JAKARTA - In order to suppress illegal activities and markets, the option to legalize marijuana is an option in a number of countries. Apart from legal certainty, legalization of marijuana also provides legal economic opportunities.

This is what Mexico is doing. Late Monday, two special committees of the Lower House of the Mexican Parliament approved a bill to decriminalize marijuana.

After that, the bill will be sent to a plenary session, to get approval, as well as open up opportunities to create one of the largest drug markets in the world.

The bill, supported by the government of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, will mark major changes in a country that has been wracked by violence between rival drug cartels.

The health and justice committee approved the bill, which the Senate easily passed in a vote in November. This will become a new legal guideline for the circulation of marijuana, which has been glimpsed by various private companies, even from abroad.

Noted there are Colombian-Canadian Khiron Life Sciences, Canada's Canopy Growth and The Green Organic Dutchman, to California Medical Marijuana which has targeted the legal marijuana market in Mexico.

The lower house plenary session is scheduled to discuss the bill on Tuesday, two congressional sources told Reuters.

The bill will establish the Mexican Institute for Cannabis Regulation and Control, which will issue five types of permits for the cultivation, transformation, sale, research and export or import of cannabis.

Only people aged 18 and over and with a license, can grow, carry or consume marijuana and its derivatives, according to a law proposed by President Lopez Obrador's ruling MORENA Party. MORENA has a majority in both chambers of the Mexican Congress.

President Lopez Obrador argues that decriminalizing marijuana and other narcotics could help fight Mexico's powerful drug cartel.

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