JAKARTA - Vladimir Putin will be sworn in as president of Russia for a fifth term at the inauguration ceremony to be held in the capital Moscow on Tuesday (7/5).

The ceremony, which is scheduled to take place in the Kremlin, will officially mark the start of Putin's six-year term, which won 87.28 percent of the vote in the presidential election held in March.

After the inauguration ceremony, the current Russian government will resign and a new government will take office with the approval of the country's parliament, in accordance with constitutional amendments made in 2020.

In this case, Putin will submit his prime ministerial candidate to Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament, for approval.

Although parliament has the power to accept or reject the candidate, Putin will be able to directly appoint a prime minister without requiring parliamentary approval if lawmakers reject the candidate three times.

In such a case, Putin was also entitled to dissolve parliament and hold new parliamentary elections.

According to local media, the current Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is likely to be reappointed as he is widely seen as the head of a successful government based on the country's economic growth despite the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and subsequent economic sanctions from the West.

Putin will directly appoint foreign ministers, defense, justice, emergency and domestic situations through consultation with the Federation Council, Russia's upper house of parliament.

The current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, and Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu will maintain their positions, while ministries related to the economy and finance are also not expected to experience any changes.

However, due to public criticism of education, sports and culture policies, there may be several changes to the relevant ministries and there is also the possibility of the establishment of the Ministry of Youth.

Under Russian law, the new government approval process could take the longest until May 20, although the list of prime ministerial and ministerial candidates is expected to be submitted to parliament as soon as the inauguration ceremony.

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