The body of Putu Satria Ananta Rustika, a student at the Jakarta Shipping Sciences College (STIP) who was the victim of death due to being mistreated by his senior, has been autopsied. As a result, many bruises were found on his body.
"In general, it is obtained in the form of bruises on the mouth, upper arms and chest," said Head of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital Brigadier General Hariyanto to VOI, Saturday, May 4.
Not only that, from the autopsy results, there were also internal organs of Putu Satria Ananta Rustika. One of them has bruises on his lungs.
"The abrasions on the lips, bruises on the lungs, and internal organ dams," said Heriyanto
Meanwhile, the autopsy process lasted for three hours which started at 09.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB.
"The body is still at the Police Hospital, Info will be flown to Bali tomorrow morning," said Heriyanto.
The act of persecution experienced by Putu Satria Ananta Rustika began when he was with four of his colleagues. At that time, they were in the area of the Education Building. Suddenly they were called by their seniors and were reprimanded for wearing sports clothes while in the Education Building. They were immediately taken to the bathroom.
There, the senior was suspected of molesting Putu Satria Ananta Rustika. Five times the blow is said to have been directed to the heart. In handling this alleged abuse case, the police moved quickly. At least 10 STIP students were arrested.
They will be questioned. The goal is to find out in detail the series of acts of persecution. Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Wira Satya Triputra, said that based on the evidence that had been collected, investigators had started mapping the figure of the perpetrator.
"While it is indicated that there are those who we have suspected," said Wira.
However, the process of examining witnesses and collecting evidence is still being carried out. So, later on, it can strengthen or shrink the figure of the perpetrator of the persecution.
"Later we will make sure when further information is taken," said Wira
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