VIDEO: Seconds Of Evacuation Of Victims Of OPM Shooting
VIDEO: Seconds of Evacuation of Bodies of OPM Shooting Victims. (VOI Video graphics Team)

This is the second time the evacuation of Alexsander Parapak's body, Saturday, May 4. Alexsander Parapak's body has been at the location for four days. The evacuation was carried out in Homeyo District towards Timika, Mimika Regency. The evacuation process used a joint helicopter of the TNI AD and Polri as well as a TNI Air Force aircraft. During the evacuation process, three immigrants were also brought in, namely a teacher and two children. The shooting was a retaliatory attack from the OPM after the National Police's Joint Security Force seized Homeyo District, Intan Jaya Regency. Watch the video below.

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