JAKARTA - Floods accompanied by landslides occurred after heavy rains with a long duration flushed Luwu Regency and its surroundings on Friday morning around 01.17 WITA.

The condition of the impact of the disaster is exacerbated by the overflow of the Rongkong River and Baliease River.

Due to this disaster, as many as 14 residents were reported to have died in a flood disaster with a height of up to three meters and accompanied by landslides in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi.

Head of the Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Abdul Muhari in Jakarta, Saturday, said that the number of victims who died was obtained based on the latest data today compiled by the BNPB Pusdalops team and a rapid BPBD assessment from the disaster site.

Each of the victims came from 13 sub-districts that were hit by floods accompanied by landslides, including; Districts of Suli, Latimojong, West Sulawesi, Ponrang Selatan, Ponrang, Bupon, Larompong, South Larompong, Bajo, Bajo Barat, Kamanre, Belopa and Districts of North Belopa.

However, the BNPB team has not been able to report on the condition or whereabouts of the bodies of the dead victims whether they are still being searched or have been found.

The reason is, he said that until 06.00 WITA the team was still collecting data in the field considering the continued impact still has the potential to occur.

His party is also still trying to evacuate the residents of the Luwu landslide victims, totaling 1,385 families to the refugee camps.

The BNPB Pusdalops noted that until Saturday morning today there were a total of 1,867 housing units and rice fields - flooded plantations with a water level of 1-3 meters.

Of the total number, there were 103 housing units, including heavily damaged, 42 housing units washed away, destroying four road points, one bridge unit, including destroying 14 motorcycles and cars.

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