There Are Still Many Corruption Practices To Plagiarism, Indonesia's 2023 Education Integrity Index Is At 73.7
PHOTO: Wardhany Tsa Tsia-VOI

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the Education Integrity Index in 2023 was around 73.7 percent. This means that the players in this sector are still not used to implementing anti-corruption attitudes.

"So there has not been comprehensive control in the education unit. Maybe there are those who behave or have character in accordance with anti-corruption values but some also do not because they are not carried out massively," said Deputy for Education and Community Participation of the KPK Wawan Wardiana at a press conference at the ACLC KPK building, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Tuesday, April 30.

"This figure also includes that there are still educators at the school and university levels who have not provided an example," said Wawan. For example, related to teaching discipline.

"There are several findings of teaching discipline problems, for example, there are still many who do not attend without reason or maybe there was an academic fraud or things that were in nature, how to increase the majority of each educator," he explained.

Next, there are a number of corrupt behaviors seen by the KPK from a number of educators. Among them are receiving gratuities to nepotism.

"From the beginning of gratification, illegal levies, collusion carried out by the leadership of the education unit in the procurement of goods and services as well as nepotism in accepting new students is still visible," said Wawan.

Finally, the KPK also highlighted students and students who were experiencing a moral dilemma. This is because many teachers and lecturers practice plagiarism so that cheating is considered normal.

"Including plagiarism by teachers and lecturers, the discipline of teaching teachers and lecturers is still high," he concluded.

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