The TNI AL Outermost Island Task Force Releases 52 Protected Animals On Nusa Barung Island
Forest (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Navy's Outermost Island Security Marine Task Force (Satgasmar Pam Puter) released 52 protected animals on the outermost island in Jember, East Java. To be precise, the release was carried out on Nusa Barung Island, Puger District.

The Indonesian Navy Information Service (Dispenal) in its confirmed official broadcast in Jakarta, Saturday, explained that the release took place this week (25/4) covering 10galES, two hedgehogs (Hystrix javanica), and 40 long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis).

"With this activity, it is hoped that it can be an important step to maintain the stability and sustainability of the animal ecosystem on Nusa Barung Island," said the Commander of the Pam Puter Task Force XXVII Nusa Barung Island Marine First Lieutenant Irwan Adi Nugroho quoting Antara.

He emphasized that the Indonesian Navy, including the Marine Task Force on duty on the outer islands of Indonesia, always supports and plays an active role in various efforts to preserve protected animals.

In the same official broadcast, the East Java Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) official, Dwi Putra, explained that the release was an East Java BKSDA program aimed at increasing the population of animals on Nusa Barung Island. The animals, he continued, before being released into the wild, had undergone rehabilitation and health checks.

"There are two types of animals that are immediately released into their habitat, such asES and hedgehogs, while Long-tailed monkeys are still placed in special places that are limited to nets," said Dwi.

He added that later within 3-4 days the nets were released and 40 Long-tailed Monkeys were released to the Nusa Barung Island Wildlife Sanctuary like other animals.

In the release event, not only the East Java BKSDA and the Indonesian Navy's Outer Island Pam Task Force were involved, but there were also representatives of the people of Puger District, Puger Koramil, and the Indonesia-Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JSI-JAAN).

Pulau Nusa Barung merupakan salah satu pulau terbesar selatan di Jawa Timur yang menghadapi langsung ke Samudera Hindia dan berbatasi langsung dengan Australia.

The island, which is also a wildlife asylum, is currently uninhabited, but is guarded by the Indonesian Navy's Marine Corps troops who are members of the Outermost Island Security Task Force.

Several types of animals that can currently be found on Nusa Barung Island, as quoted from the official website of the East Java BKSDA, include Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), Sisilek Turtle (Eretmochirys imbricata), biawak (Varanus salvator), Python (Phyton Sp), Rusa (Cervus timorensis), Kera Abu-Abu (Macaca fascicularis), Lutung (Trachypithecus auratus), Babi Hutan (Sus Sp), Elang Laut (Haliarctus recoincogaster), Raja Shrimp (Halicion Sp), Kuntul (Egreta Sp), Swallow (Collocalia esculenta), Ayam Hutan (Gallus gallus) and Kangkareng (Bucerus Sp).

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