JAKARTA - The presence of Moeldoko at the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) for the appointment of the General Chairperson of the Democratic Party in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra on Friday, March 6, evening indicated that he was ready to replace Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono.

Wearing a blue coat bearing the Democratic Party logo, Moeldoko invited all Democratic party cadres to unite and promote the party to achieve glory.

"I invite all Democrat cadres from Sabang to Merauke to fight together to regain the glory of the Democrats," said Moeldoko, Friday, March 6.

The general chairman of the Democratic Party for the 2021-2025 version of the KLB said that the power of the Democratic Party rests in the hands of all its cadres. For this reason, he hopes that all the leaders of the Democratic Party will cooperate with the people.

"As the leader of the party at the provincial to urban village levels, we must be with the people," he said.

Separately, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs Mahfud MD said the government could not prohibit or support party activities because this was regulated by law.

He said, when the government blocked the Democrat KLB, it meant violating Article 9 of Law Number 9 of 1998 concerning Freedom to Express Opinions in Public.

"There it is said that it is permissible for people to gather to hold a general meeting, as long as they meet certain conditions. The condition is not at the State Palace, nor in a place of worship, not at school, not in a hospital, not in the arena of vital objects because of the situation," Mahfud on Saturday, March 6.

Mahfud said, when there are internal party problems like what happened in the Democrats, the government is indeed faced with a difficult situation whether to prohibit it or not.

Currently, the government also considers that what happened in the Democratic Party is an internal party matter and not a legal issue. Because there has been no report or request for new legal legality to the government from the Democratic Party. "The current government only deals with the security point of view, not the legality of the party," said Mahfud.

Then when the KLB results can be declared valid? Menkumham Special Staff Yasonna Laoly, Ian Siagian, said that his party would carry out verification regarding the results of the Democrat KLB. If all the conditions are met, then the chances of the result being validated are open.

"If it is in accordance with the statutes of the Democratic Party, it will be ratified," said Ian.

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