Six youths have been arrested again for alleged drug abuse. Among the six people, there was one presenter and celebrity, namely Chandrika Chika. Presenter, celebgram, and TikToker Chandrika Chika were arrested by the police at one of the hotels in Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta on Monday night, April 22.

Chika was detained and named a suspect in connection with the alleged drug abuse of liquid marijuana. Evidence confiscated in the form of a pod-type electric cigarette with liquid containing marijuana or THC. South Jakarta Police Narcotics Deputy AKP Rezka Anugras explained that the drug was given by someone with the initials R. Until now, the police are still investigating the initials R, both related to its whereabouts and the origin of the source of the item.

From the results of the urine test, four people tested positive for using drugs with the initials AT, AMO, MJ, and CK or Chandrika Chika. And 2 other people tested positive for methamphetamine with the initials AJ and BB. However, until now, Chika's family has not applied for rehabilitation. The arrival of his parents only intended to visit Chika. It is known that the six people have used the liquid marijuana type drug for approximately 1 year. Watch the video below.

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