JAKARTA - Spokesperson for COVID-19 Vaccination from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Siti Nadia Tarmizi said that her party has not found any evidence of the mutation of the COVID-19 virus, namely B117, which is more dangerous in Indonesia. Even so, he asked the public to continue to apply health protocols in a disciplined manner.

"We have not received scientific evidence that this mutated COVID-19 virus has a higher malignancy than the initial COVID-19 virus," Nadia said as quoted from the Ministry of Health's website, Saturday, March 6.

Furthermore, he asked the public not to worry too much, although they still have to be vigilant. Because, from research in other countries this virus is indeed more quickly transmitted.

Nadia also explained that this virus mutation occurs in the horn or spike of the virus which resembles rambutan fruit. This makes it easier for the virus to enter the target so that transmission is faster.

"The speed of transmission of the virus mutation does not cause the disease to worsen, but research is ongoing," he explained.

He also explained that the COVID-19 vaccine used in Indonesia is effective against B117. Thus, this mutation is considered not to affect the formation of herd immunity.

Even so, people still have to be disciplined in wearing masks, keeping their distance, and washing their hands with soap (3M). In addition, he asked the public to refrain from mobilizing ahead of the long weekend from Thursday, March 11 to Sunday, March 14.

"We strongly urge you to refrain from traveling first," he concluded.

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