Presidential candidate Anies Baswedan hopes that the transition from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) - Ma'ruf Amin to the elected president Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Raka Bumungraka will run well.

This was said by Anies, after meeting with the Chairman of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh, and visiting the DPP office of the National Awakening Party (PKB) on Jalan Raden Saleh, Senen, Central Jakarta, Monday night, April 22.

In addition to conveying that the mandate that has been entrusted has been carried out and has known the results together, Anies also admitted that he respects the process of holding the 2024 presidential election until it is complete and oversees it in the future so that the transition runs well.

"So actually that's the only activity to convey that the mandate that has been entrusted has been carried out and we have seen the results together. Now the focus is on following up from the results of the general election, if the presidential election is over, yesterday's coalition was built for the presidential election, we hope that democracy will run better," he explained.

After holding a closed meeting, Anies admitted that his meeting was a form of friendship between himself and the party leader who carried the candidate pair number 1, namely PKB, Nasdem, and PKS.

"After the completion, or the Constitutional Court's decision has been issued, then earlier we made a statement, my friends may have seen it, then we will discuss it with the leader of the supporting party, like the Nasdem Party earlier, then tonight at the PKB DPP, God willing, tomorrow we will go to PKS," said Anies.

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