BOGOR- DPRD Bogor City, West Java together with the local city government ratified and stipulated Regional Regulations (Perda) on Regional Legal Products and Raperda on Regional Capital Participation to Regional Public Company Tirta Pakuan.

The Regional Capital Participation Regional Regulation was ratified through a plenary meeting at the Bogor City DPRD building, Wednesday, April 17.

Spokesperson for the Raperda Special Committee team on Regional Legal Products, Anna Mariam Fadhilah, submitted a report that the formation of legal products must reflect the awareness, views of life, and values of justice that develop in society.

This is in accordance with the philosophy of the Pancasila nation and the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution and is in line with the needs of implementing Regional Government.

The preparation of the Raperda on Regional Legal Products has been adjusted to the addition of the omnibus method, correcting technical errors after the mutual agreement between the DPRD and the Regional Government in a plenary meeting and before the ratification and legislation as well as the electronic formation of regional legal products.

"We hope that this regional regulation can later become a guideline in the formation of legal products in Bogor City," Anna said in a written statement, Friday, April 19.

After that, a spokesman for the Raperda Special Committee team regarding Regional Capital Participation to Perumda Tirta Pakuan, Safrudin Bima, submitted a report that the government's investment in capital to Perumda Tirta Pakuan amounted to Rp180.9 billion consisting of Rp133 billion in the form of money and Rp47.8 billion in the form of capital for regional property.

As stated in the Raperda, Safrudin said that capital participation will be given in stages until 2027, in accordance with regional financial capabilities with the details of the 2025 fiscal year of IDR 35.2 billion, in 2026 IDR 16.5 billion and in 2027 IDR 81.3 billion.

"We hope that with this capital participation, the results and benefits can be felt by all people of Bogor City both now and in the future," explained Safrudin.

The Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya also gave his views on the formation of these two regional regulations. Regarding the Raperda on Regional Legal Products, Bima said that later it would be used as a guideline in the formation of regional legal products in Bogor City, so that it would fulfill all elements of regulations.

"So everything will be in order of authority, procedure order, substance order and order implementation," he said.

Meanwhile, for the Raperda on Regional Capital Participation to Perumda Tirta Pakuan, Bima assessed that this capital participation of Rp180.9 billion has a goal that is in accordance with Perumda Tirta Pakuan's business plan to increase water discharge which is well distributed to customers, increase the number of customers and increase the company's profit.

"It is hoped that the community's need to get clean water as soon as possible and can meet the minimum service standards for customers as well as increase customer coverage with a pipeline that continues to be added and lastly, of course, according to our target, namely increasing local revenue (PAD)," concluded Bima.


After completing the reading of the report from each special committee team and conveying views from the Mayor.

The chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto, asked for approval from all members of the Bogor City DPRD who were present at the plenary meeting to ratify and approve the two Raperda to be used as regional regulations which were then signed by the Bogor City DPRD decision regarding the stipulation of this regional regulation.

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