JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) is said to have met Firli Bahuri at the private home of the former chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who was in the Villa Galaxy housing complex, Bekasi.

This fact was revealed by SYL's former aide, Panji Hartanto, while testifying in a trial for alleged extortion and extortion at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, April 17.

It started when Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh questioned whether or not there was another meeting between SYL and Firli Bahuri apart from the Tank Sports Center (GOR).

"Meeting with KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri apart from the GOR, where else do you know, who you are accompanying?" asked Judge Rianto.

"At Villa Galaxy," replied Panji.

"What is the Galaxy Villa? Whose house is it?" said Judge Rianto.

"Mr. Firli's house," said Panji.

Hearing this statement, Judge Rianto confirmed that the house in question was a private house or a halfway house from Firli Bahuri.

"Residence of family or shelter?" asked Judge Rianto.

"The house of his family, his house," said Panji.

"Where? In Bekasi?" said Judge Rianto confirmed.

"In Bekasi," replied Panji.

Then, Judge Rianto questioned the rights of Firli Bahuri's halfway house in Jakarta. At that time, Panji said he did not know about it because he had never accompanied SYL to the house in question.

"Have you ever known a house in Jakarta? Have you ever accompanied the defendant to meet at a halfway house?" asked judge Rianto, who was immediately answered "No" by Panji.

After hearing this statement, Judge Rianto tried to question Panji's testimony about the purpose of the meeting between SYL and Firli which took place at the private house of the former chairman of the KPK.

However, Panji emphasized that he did not know it because he did not come into the house when Firli and SYL met.

"In what context?" asked Judge Rianto.

"In Bekasi, I don't go inside," replied Panji.

"Did you know there was a handover of money?" said Judge Rianto.

"Don't look," said Panji.

Syahrul Yasin Limpo was charged with extortion of up to Rp44.5 billion in the 2020-2023 period. This action was carried out together with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono and the Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery of the Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta.

This money was then used for the benefit of Syahrul's wife and family, invited gifts, the NasDem Party, religious events, aircraft charters to Umrah and sacrifices. Then, he was also charged with receiving gratuities of Rp40.6 M from January 2020 to October 2023.

In addition, he was again named a suspect in the crime of money laundering (TPPU). This effort was made after investigators developed allegations of corruption that was being tried.

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