Malang Resort Police arrested two specialists of burglary or theft in the school environment during the Lebaran 2024 holiday. Malang Police Public Relations Head Ipda Dicka Ermantara said the two perpetrators had the initials MT (24) and SN (19), a resident of Sukanyar Village, Malang Regency. "The suspect admitted that the school building was relatively easy to break into because of lack of supervision so that it was more flexible when carrying out the theft," said Dicka. Based on the results of the examination, Dicka said, the two perpetrators admitted that they had committed theft several times in Pakis District and Jabung District. At least four schools and one cafe building had been targeted. According to the suspect's confession, they continued, their motive for the theft was due to economic problems. The two perpetrators did not have the job to fulfill their daily needs. "At that time the confession of the two suspects had committed theft in four schools and cafes in Pakis and Jabung Subdistricts. The motive was economic because these two perpetrators were not working," he said. Meanwhile, Pakis Police Chief AKP Sunarko Rusbiyanto added that the arrest of the two perpetrators after they carried out their actions at the Sukanyar Village Elementary School, Pakis District. The perpetrator was arrested on April 10, 2024. The theft of the school was known to have occurred on April 4, 2024. At that time the school shelter who would clear the school area was shocked because it was aware of the glass of the teacher's room window in a broken state. When examined, the goods in the form of five laptops, a projector, LCD, as well as an active speaker who was the aid item from the special allocation fund (DAK) as well as the school operational assistance (BOS) disappeared. "The incident was reported to the Pakis Police, followed up by conducting a crime scene investigation (TKP) and examining witnesses. The loss was estimated by Rp46 million," he said. The police who carried out the investigation succeeded in identifying the perpetrators who wanted to sell the stolen goods at low prices in social media. "The undercover officers immediately made a direct buyer arrest of the two perpetrators when they found out the sale number was in accordance with the report," he added.

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