JAKARTA - Lebaran's backflow will soon enter its peak. Clinical nutritionist dr. Raissa Edwina Djuanda, M. Gizi, Sp. G. K-AIFO appealed to drivers to avoid fatigue.

For safety in the midst of a heavy current, drivers are not recommended to drive in more than 8 hours.

"Ideally you share your duties in driving. Determine a comfortable stopping location for rest," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, April 15.

Raissa, who is a member of the DKI Jakarta branch of the Indonesian Clinical Nutrition Doctors Association (PDGKI), then advised the driver to do a light stretch every two hours.

Suspension, he added, can be done for 10-15 minutes to prevent muscle fatigue.

Then, every four hours, the driver can rest first, such as at the stops available on the homecoming route.

"Consumption of light meals and healthy drinks, body relaxation, visit toilets, and wash your face to make it fresher," he said.

Raissa advised the driver to listen to his body. If the body feels tired and sleepy or not focused, then you should immediately rest and don't force yourself.

"It is better to prioritize the safety of yourself and other passengers," said he, who practices at Pondok Indah Hospital, Puri Indah.

Then, regarding energy drinks, Raissa does not recommend drivers who are tired of drinking. According to him, this drink only provides a temporary stimulation effect, not overcoming fatigue.

In addition, he added, consuming energy drinks when tired is a dangerous thing because it can cover drowsiness and make someone less alert while driving.

People with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease are also advised to consult a doctor first if they want to consume energy drinks.

Meanwhile, related to tips on preventing disease after the Eid holiday, the DKI Jakarta Health Office advised the public to control food eaten, especially if they already have metabolic diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension.

In addition, it is better to stop eating before you are full and just take the food you want to enjoy.

In addition to food, the Health Office also reminds the public to keep exercising regularly, at least for 30 minutes in one day and carry out health checks every six months or once a year, especially for those aged 25 years and over.

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