JAKARTA - PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) announced that one of its employees was positive for the corona virus or COVID-19. BNI Corporate Secretary Meiliana revealed that currently the condition concerned is stable.

In their daily lives, Meiliana said, these employees work in units that are not directly related to the community or the back office. So that the potential for transmission to the community can be minimized.

"We are very concerned about this condition. We hope that the healing process will run smoothly and can recover 100 percent soon. For the family, we convey our sympathy, hopefully they will be given strength in facing this situation," said Meiliana, when confirmed by VOI, in Jakarta, Tuesday. , March 17th.

According to Meiliana, BNI has implemented work system adjustments to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Moreover, currently COVID-19 has become a global pandemic.

BNI has set three adjustments to the work system, namely split operations, shift operations, and work from home. Meiliana explained that split and shift operations are implemented for functions related to main operations and banking services.

Meanwhile, Meiliana continued, the work from home system or work from home is only applied to areas that have been designated as areas with high risk conditions.

"This step is expected to help reduce the rate of spread of the corona virus or known as COVID-19 in its distribution centers. Including in DKI Jakarta and its surroundings," he explained.

Meiliana said this work system adjustment took effect from Tuesday, March 17. This step is expected to optimize the efforts of employees to maintain the health of their closest people at home, while providing maximum protection from the potential for contracting COVID-19 while interacting with the community while working or traveling to and from the office.

Banking Operations and Services Continue

Meiliana emphasized that banking services can still be enjoyed by customers and the public, namely by utilizing electronic channels that have been developed by BNI. The technology applied to BNI's electronic channel can accompany customers and the public to be able to transact, even 24 hours a day for seven days a week.

"For transaction purposes, BNI has alerted its digital services that allow transactions to occur without direct interaction with bank employees. BNI Mobile Banking, BNI Internet Banking, BNI SMS Banking, and BNI ATMs can be used by customers for 24 hours," he said.

In fact, continued Meiliana, for people who need consulting services, his party is ready to help with BNI Call Center kites.

If you still need banking services at branches, Meiliana said, the public doesn't need to worry because in every branch office, BNI implements a COVID-19 security protocol. This protocol includes preventive measures, namely checking the body temperature of all people entering and leaving the BNI Branch Office.

In addition, Meiliana explained, hand sanitizers are also prepared in locations that are easily accessible to the public, including at the front office such as tellers and customer service.

"For maximum protection, we have sprayed disinfectant at BNI branch offices, ATMs and work spaces, so that we will minimize the transmission of the corona virus," he explained.

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