CIREBON - The Cirebon City Police Traffic Unit, West Java, said thousands of vehicles from Java to Jakarta began crossing the arterial route in its area on backflow or during D+2 Lebaran 2024.

KBO Satlantas Cirebon City Police Ipda Rizwan in Cirebon, Friday said that so far there have been around five thousand vehicles passing by and that number could increase until tonight.

"Currently, we have received notes from the Transportation Service, there are around five thousand vehicles of two-wheeled travelers, especially heading to Jakarta," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, April 12.

The movement of travelers traveling back to Jakarta has occurred since Thursday (11/4), but the number has not been so significant.

According to him, the increase in vehicle volume is predicted to occur on Sunday (14/4), with the number of vehicles passing through the arterial route reaching 50 thousand units.

"Meanwhile, if the peak is later there will be around 50 thousand vehicles moving in the arterial route. Therefore, the current condition is still relatively normal," he said.

Rizwan explained that it is estimated that the majority of travelers choose to return to the Jakarta area during this period of time, because the Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri will end on Monday (15/4).

The Cirebon City Police Traffic Unit has prepared traffic engineering to anticipate an increase in vehicles during the peak of backflow.

The engineering implemented is in the form of closing several intersections in arterial routes, so that the speed of vehicles is not hampered.

"We convey that for large intersections such as Kanggraksan, Perum, Youth is not completely closed. It is closed if there are vehicles on each red light, they have met, then there is engineering," he said.

Meanwhile, on the toll road, he said, traffic engineering has not been implemented until D+2 Lebaran because the movement of vehicles is still relatively sloping.

Rizwan guaranteed that all personnel would be deployed to escort travelers who headed to Jakarta, so that they could pass safely without any obstacles while on the arterial route in Cirebon City.

"We already have anticipatory steps at the peak of the backflow later," he said.

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