JAKARTA - A viral video on social media shows the action of a man pointing at a car driver who is passing on Jalan Masjid Darul Falah, Petukangan Utara, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.

This happened after the old man was reprimanded for parking a vehicle that covered the road access.

It was seen that the man who looked at him did not care about the traffic jams due to his vehicle. Instead, he was still cool to buy fried foods

"Who is going to fall, he's the one pushing, oh okay, you see, these gentlemen have stopped wrong in the middle of a traffic jam, this is just a road, I hope," said the passing car driver.

The Head of Pesanggrahan Police, Kompol Tedjo Asmoro, said that no reports were submitted to the police regarding the incident.

"Until now no one has made a report," Tedjo said when confirmed, Sunday, April 7.

The former Kelapa Dua police chief emphasized that he would follow up if this case was reported to the police.

"If we have made a police report, our basis for calling someone for questioning," said Tedjo.

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