JAKARTA - Viral on social media, the Jakarta Satpol PP (Public Order Enforcers) ranks a group of youths playing skateboard (slides) on the sidewalk. The location is near Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

In the video, the Satpol PP officers try to confiscate the skateboards belonging to the two youths. The skateboard owner tries to hold back and there is an argument.

Head of Satpol PP DKI Arifin confirmed this raid. The raid was held Wednesday, March 3 afternoon.

"That happened yesterday afternoon, in the vicinity of MH Thamrin, on the sidewalk in front of the Mandarin Hotel", Arifin told reporters, Thursday, March 4.

Arifin said that the enforcement of the Jakarta Satpol PP against skateboarders was carried out because they violated health protocols during the implementation of restrictions on micro-community activities (PPKM). One of the youths skateboarding was not wearing a mask.

"Social and cultural activities in public spaces during the PPKM period certainly have restrictions. So, when patrolling, Satpol PP members found that skateboarding without wearing masks, crowding, and so on", he explained.

Regarding the quarrel, Arifin clarified that the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP officers just wanted to collect data on violations of health protocols and provide education to a group of young people.

They immediately ran when they saw the Satpol PP ranks coming. So, said Arifin, his men tried to hold the skateboard for a while so that the young man would not run away.

"Actually, he just wants to be recorded. There is no confiscation of the skateboard. If he doesn't use a mask, we will take action. After that they also immediately go home", he said.

Therefore, the action carried out by Satpol PP was only limited to violating health protocols. "So it only relates to health protocols. Because this is still the PPKM period, there are restrictions on community activities. It's not playing with masks. That's the only truth", he said.

Arifin promised to give a warning to his staff if they took excessive action such as forcing people caught in the PPKM raids.

"We hope this is not exaggerated, the name is the dynamics in the field, of course, if our members are excessive, we will give a warning to members", he concluded.

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