Bogor City Police, West Java, investigated the loss of Rp164 million in cash at Hotmen restaurant owned by the famous lawyer Hotman Paris in Tajur Village, Bogor City.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Lutfi Olot Gigantara, said that his party had examined five witnesses in the alleged theft or embezzlement of money at this restaurant. The witness who has been examined is an employee of the ramen restaurant.

"We have received a report from the manager of Mi Hotmen in the Tajur area on March 16, 2024. To this day, we have examined 5 witnesses, consisting of cashiers and security," said Olot, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, April 1.

Today's police plan to summon witnesses from the audit team to confirm the amount of money lost. After that, his party will conduct a title up to the investigation stage.

"After this, we will immediately carry out the title of upgrade to the investigation stage and of course later we will enter the investigation stage to arrest this perpetrator," he explained.

Olot said the case was related to embezzlement in office. The reported party is one of the managers at the restaurant called Hotmen.

"The amount is Rp. 164 million or more, to make sure, so we use today's call the audit team from the company to ask about that number," he said.

The famous lawyer Hotman Paris revealed the alleged theft case he experienced through his Instagram account @hotmanparisofficial. In his video, Hotman Paris said that the money allegedly stolen by his employees reached hundreds of millions of rupiah.

"Hotman lost money, Hotman employees stole Hotman Paris' money. Hello, Mr. Bogor City Police Chief, please immediately arrest the manager from the ramen restaurant of the hotel in Tajur, East Bogor, who has sold hundreds of millions of restaurant proceeds, hundreds of millions of sales of Hotmen's ramen restaurant in Tajur Bogor. Turum was taken away by his manager, "said Hotman in his video.

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