The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditkrimsus) of the Central Java Police checked a number of gas stations on the Semarang-Solo route in the Semarang City area.

The checks, which were also carried out by gas stations at the KM 429 rest area of the Semarang-Solo Toll Road in Ungaran, Semarang Regency, were led by Ipda Eko Setyo Wibowo carried out together with the Semarang Legal Metrology UPTD officers and the Central Java Industry and Trade Office.

The three gas stations were checked on the Semarang-Solo route on Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Semarang City, each Banyumanik gas station, Pudakpayung gas station, and gas stations located on the border of Semarang City and Semarang Regency.

From the results of the check, no deviations were found in the subsidized or non-subsidized fuel dispenser machines.

Based on measurements carried out by the Semarang Legal Metrology UPTD officers, it is known that the volume of fuel issued through dispenser machines at these SPBU gas stations is still within tolerance limits.

Kasubdit Tindak Pidana Tertentu Ditkrimsus Polda Jawa Tengah AKBP Robert Sihombing mengatakan kegiatan tersebut merupakan salah satu upaya memastikan terjadinya deviation penyaluran BBM, khususnya BBM bersubsidi, menjelang Lebaran tahun ini.

"In addition, to ensure the availability and smooth distribution of subsidized fuel," he said.

According to him, patrols will continue to be carried out to anticipate irregularities and misuse of fuel.

In addition, he also appealed to gas stations not to commit fraud that is detrimental to the community.

Checks at SPBU gas stations, he continued, will continue to be carried out, including units at the police station level in Central Java.

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